'Triunal Agility' refers to the ability to dynamically realign one's instincts, emotions, and logical thought processes, which are governed by the three brains - reptilian, limbic, and neomammalian. In real-life scenarios, this could mean adapting to changing circumstances by adjusting one's approach. For instance, in a heated argument (a situation often encountered when dealing with 'irrational and impossible people'), one might initially react instinctively (reptilian brain). Recognizing this, one could then engage the neomammalian brain to bring logical thought into play, calming the situation. Similarly, in a professional setting, one might need to switch from an emotional response (limbic brain) to a more logical approach (neomammalian brain) when faced with a complex problem. Thus, 'Triunal Agility' can help in dealing effectively with varying scenarios and people.

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In today's dynamic business environment, the concept of 'Triunal Agility' can be applied by learning to adapt and realign our instincts, emotions, and logical thought processes according to the changing circumstances. This ability to dynamically adjust our approach makes us more resilient and better equipped to handle irrational and difficult people in our professional lives. It allows us to respond effectively to different situations, whether it's dealing with a difficult client, managing a team, or making strategic decisions.

The theory of 'Triunal Agility' challenges traditional conflict resolution methods by promoting adaptability and resilience in the face of dynamic shifts in circumstances. Traditional methods often rely on a single approach or strategy, which may not be effective in all situations. 'Triunal Agility', on the other hand, emphasizes the ability to dynamically realign one's instincts, emotions, and logical thought processes, allowing for a more flexible and effective response to conflict.

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Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life

Do you often deal with bullies, manipulators, know-it-alls and other types of “crazy” in your profes...

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