Resilient organizations, as explained in 'The Infinite Game', are those that are designed to last and thrive over the long term, rather than just achieving short-term success. They are able to adapt and evolve in response to changes and challenges, ensuring their survival and growth over time. This concept is contrasted with the finite game in business, where the focus is on short-term wins. In the infinite game, the goal is not to 'win', but to continue playing, which requires resilience.

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The concept of the infinite game fundamentally challenges the traditional paradigms and practices in business leadership by shifting the focus from short-term wins to long-term sustainability and resilience. Instead of aiming to 'win' against competitors in a finite timeframe, the infinite game encourages leaders to build organizations that can withstand changes and last for generations. This requires a different mindset and approach, including a greater emphasis on innovation, adaptability, and long-term vision.

A startup can use the principles of the infinite game to ensure its longevity and growth by shifting its focus from short-term wins to long-term resilience and sustainability. This involves creating a vision that extends beyond immediate goals and fosters a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. It's about building an organization that can survive and thrive through changes, challenges, and competition over time. This approach encourages innovation, fosters loyalty, and ultimately leads to a more competitive and resilient organization.

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The Infinite Game

What’s the difference between leaders who only achieve short-term success and visionaries who create...

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