The guiding policy mentioned in the content refers to a strategic approach or a set of rules that guide actions towards achieving a specific goal. In the given context, George Kennan, an American diplomat, used his understanding of the Soviet ideology to formulate a guiding policy. He proposed treating the Soviet ideology as a virus that needed to be contained until it naturally dies out. This policy was based on his observation that the Soviets positioned themselves explicitly against capitalism.

In a broader business context, a guiding policy could be a company's mission statement or a strategic plan that directs all decision-making and actions. It sets the stage for focused action by providing a clear direction and a framework within which to operate.

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The kernel of a good strategy, as described by Richard Rumelt, has been criticized on several fronts.

Firstly, some argue that it oversimplifies the complexity of strategic planning. Not all situations can be neatly divided into diagnosis, guiding policy, and coherent action.

Secondly, critics point out that the kernel of a good strategy relies heavily on the leader's insight and foresight, which can be subjective and prone to error.

Lastly, the kernel of a good strategy may not be applicable in all contexts, especially in rapidly changing environments where long-term planning may not be feasible.

However, despite these criticisms, many still find value in Rumelt's approach as it provides a clear and structured way to think about strategy.

The question seems to be asking whether the guiding policy mentioned in the content was wrong. However, it doesn't provide enough context to determine which specific policy is being referred to.

Assuming the question refers to George Kennan's policy of containment towards the Soviet Union, it's important to note that this policy was widely adopted by the U.S. during the Cold War. It aimed to prevent the spread of communism, and while it did lead to tensions and conflicts, it also arguably played a role in the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Whether this policy was 'wrong' or 'right' is subjective and depends on one's perspective. Some might argue it was necessary given the geopolitical context of the time, while others might argue it exacerbated tensions and led to unnecessary conflicts.

In general, a good guiding policy should be flexible, adaptable, and based on a thorough understanding of the situation at hand. It should also align with the organization's overall goals and values.

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Good Strategy, Bad Strategy

Even some of the world’s biggest organizations do strategy poorly, and incorrectly credit their succ...

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