A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in 'Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future' to grow and navigate economic and political challenges by understanding and applying the principles debunked in the book. For instance, the book discusses the riskiness of private retirement plans, which can be applied to understand the risks and rewards of different investment strategies. The startup can also learn about the importance of having a stable, guaranteed income, which can guide their financial planning and decision-making. Furthermore, the book's discussion on policy debates and social security can provide insights into navigating political challenges and understanding the impact of these issues on the business environment.

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In 'Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future', Paul Krugman challenges the existing paradigms in economics and politics by debunking the so-called "zombie ideas". These are ideas that, despite being disproven by evidence, continue to influence policy and public opinion. One such idea is the privatization of social security, which Krugman argues against. He points out that privatization would lead to a significant percentage of worker contributions being lost to investment company fees and could leave many retirees in poverty. Thus, he advocates for a stable, guaranteed income for retirees, challenging the paradigm of privatization.

'Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future' by Paul Krugman addresses contemporary issues and debates, particularly on social security and privatization. The book discusses the policy debate in the early 2000s on revamping America's social security by introducing privatization. It highlights the risks associated with privatization, such as the dissipation of a significant percentage of worker contributions in fees to investment companies and the potential for leaving many retirees in poverty. Thus, the book is relevant to contemporary debates on these issues.

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Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future

“Zombie ideas” simply refuse to die despite mountains of evidence to disprove them. How do you fight...

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