Designers can work around flaws in human logic by focusing on two key aspects of design: discoverability and understanding. Discoverability involves making it possible for users to figure out what actions are possible and how to perform them. This can be achieved through the use of affordances, signifiers, constraints, mappings, and feedback. Understanding involves making the product's purpose and the meaning of its controls and settings clear to the user. By understanding both technology and psychology, designers can create products that are intuitive and user-friendly, despite the flaws in human logic.

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The Design of Everyday Things

How do designers improve their products to work around flaws in human logic? In The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman teaches the top frameworks b...

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Two of the most important features of good design are discoverability and understanding. Discoverability: Is it possible to figure out what actions are possible and how to perform them? Understanding: What does it all mean? How is the product supposed to be used? What do all the different controls and settings mean? Discoverability comprises five fundamental psychological concepts: 1) Affordances (a chair affords support, so in turn it affords the ability to sit); 2) Signifiers (a flat panel on a door signifies one should push); 3) Constraints (imposed limitations on design that can come in four types: physical; cultural; semantic; and logical); 4) Mappings (ordered switches on the wall might specify which switch is for which light); 5) Feedback (the communicating of an action). "Today, I realize that design presents a fascinating interplay of technology and psychology, that the designers must understand both. Engineers still tend to believe in logic. … 'Why are people having problems...

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Some examples of products that demonstrate good discoverability and understanding include smartphones, laptops, and other digital devices. These products have intuitive interfaces that allow users to easily figure out what actions are possible and how to perform them. They also provide clear instructions and feedback to help users understand how the product is supposed to be used and what the different controls and settings mean.

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