Kuo used 'The Little Prince', a classic French novella, as a creative and engaging way to introduce OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to the TED team. He used the book to explain that the idea behind OKRs was not just about setting metrics and strictly adhering to them. He emphasized that it was okay to fall short of an objective as long as the goal was ambitious. Kuo's approach was to inspire the team to dream big, rather than just focusing on hitting numbers.

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The concept of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) aligns with the idea of dreaming big and setting ambitious goals by encouraging individuals and organizations to set high-reaching objectives. The key results are the measurable steps needed to achieve these objectives. The idea is not to set easily achievable goals, but rather to aim high, even if the objective seems challenging or even unattainable. The purpose is to inspire and drive progress, even if the objective is not fully met. This aligns with the concept of dreaming big, as it encourages thinking beyond the current situation and striving for significant improvement or change.

The idea behind OMGs (Objectives and Measurable Goals) as defined by Kuo is not about strictly adhering to set metrics or hitting numbers. Instead, it's about setting ambitious goals and striving to achieve them. Falling short of an objective is acceptable as long as the goal was ambitious. The emphasis is on dreaming big rather than just focusing on hitting specific numbers.

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Objectives & Key Results (Part 2)

Articulate, track, measure, and assess your goals regularly with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs),...

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