The book 'Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life' has significantly influenced conflict resolution strategies in corporate settings. It provides a practical approach to dealing with irrational and difficult people, which is a common challenge in the workplace. The book introduces the 'Sanity Cycle', a method to handle irrational people effectively. This involves recognizing that the person can't reason, identifying their Modus Operandi, realizing their behavior isn't about you, listening calmly, mirroring their emotions, and gently guiding them toward more positive thoughts. This approach has been adopted in many corporate settings to manage conflicts and improve communication.

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Avoiding crucial conversations with irrational people can significantly impact productivity in a professional setting. Research shows that employees waste approximately $1500 and an eight-hour workday every time they avoid such a conversation. This avoidance not only leads to wasted time and resources but also reinforces irrational behavior. Instead of avoiding, it's recommended to use strategies like the Sanity Cycle to deal with irrational people effectively. This involves recognizing the person's inability to reason, understanding their behavior, and guiding them towards more positive thoughts.

The techniques presented in the book can be used by small businesses to handle difficult colleagues by implementing the Sanity Cycle. This involves recognizing that the difficult person can't reason, identifying their Modus Operandi, and realizing their behavior isn't about you. It's important to listen calmly and mirror their emotions, then gently guide them toward more positive thoughts. This approach can help manage irrational behavior and foster a more productive work environment.

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Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life

Do you often deal with bullies, manipulators, know-it-alls and other types of “crazy” in your profes...

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