To indirectly point out people's mistakes, it's crucial to use constructive criticism and positive language. Instead of directly highlighting the mistake, you can emphasize the positive aspects first, then suggest improvements. This method is less likely to cause resentment or defensiveness. For instance, instead of saying "You made a mistake here", you could say "This part is done well, and I think it could be even better if you consider this...". In this manner, you're not just pointing out the mistake but also offering a solution, which is more helpful and encouraging. Remember, the objective is to assist the person in improving, not to make them feel bad about their mistakes.

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The best way to find fault or give criticism is to do it constructively. Start by acknowledging the positive aspects of the person's work or behavior. This will make them more receptive to your feedback. Then, instead of using the word "but" which negates the positive statement, use "and" to introduce your criticism. This way, it comes off as an addition to their good work, rather than a negation. Remember, the goal is to help them improve, not to put them down. Always end on a positive note, reinforcing their potential for improvement.

To criticise without being hated for it, it's important to follow a few key principles:

Firstly, always start with a positive comment. This sets a positive tone and makes the person more receptive to your feedback.

Secondly, avoid using the word "but" after a positive statement as it negates the positive comment. Instead, use "and" to connect your thoughts.

Thirdly, make your criticism constructive. Instead of pointing out what was done wrong, suggest how it can be done better next time.

Lastly, be empathetic and considerate. Understand that everyone makes mistakes and use criticism as a tool for growth, not as a weapon to put someone down.

Remember, the goal of criticism should be to help the other person improve, not to make them feel bad.

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