Apart from the method mentioned, you can also use a radar chart for visualizing the competitive analysis. This allows for a more comprehensive view of the performance across different categories. Another method could be using a stacked bar chart where each segment of the bar represents a different category. This provides a clear view of the total score as well as the contribution of each category to the total score.

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Marketing Plan (Part 2)

Have your organization’s marketing efforts stalled out with overpriced ads and harder customer conversions? A strong marketing plan helps control cost...

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For any strong marketing plan, execs should first assess their organization's current position in the marketplace. This competitive analysis slide compares your organization against two main competitors to evaluate performance across editable criteria like product line, location, and price point. Rated from 1 to 10, execs can score and plot themselves across relevant categories for an average score at the bottom. (Slide 3)

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A marketing plan can be used to outline strategies across products, promotions, place, and price point in several ways. It can be used to identify target markets and understand their needs and wants, which can then be used to develop products that meet these needs. The plan can also outline promotional strategies to effectively communicate the benefits of these products to the target market. Furthermore, it can detail distribution strategies to ensure the products are available in places where the target market can easily access them. Lastly, the plan can outline pricing strategies to ensure the products are priced competitively while still generating a profit.

Other ways to use a marketing plan to establish the current market position include conducting a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You can also use customer feedback and market research to understand customer needs and preferences. Additionally, analyzing market trends and competitor strategies can provide insights into the market position.

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