The key metrics compiled in a social media marketing analysis dashboard can vary depending on the specific goals of the campaign. However, some common metrics include: number of followers, post engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, customer acquisition cost, and return on investment. These metrics help to measure the effectiveness of social media marketing efforts and guide future strategies.

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The annual cash-flow summary dashboard measures cost-profit analysis and overall sales growth by tracking and comparing the total revenue generated and the total costs incurred over a year. It provides a visual representation of the company's financial health, showing the relationship between costs and profits. It helps in identifying trends, spotting potential problems, and making strategic decisions for growth. The dashboard may include various metrics such as gross profit, net profit, operating profit, sales growth rate, and others depending on the company's specific needs.

The KPI Dashboard for top-performing sales reps reports metrics on individual sales reps across sales amounts, sales targets, and target achievements.

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KPI Dashboards (Part 3)

Establish, communicate, and measure your goals with our KPI Dashboards collection. From financial pe...

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