To incorporate new digital channels into sales and marketing using gap analysis, follow these steps:

1. Identify the current state: Understand your current sales and marketing strategies and the digital channels you are currently using.

2. Define the desired state: Identify the new digital channels you want to incorporate and how you want them to improve your sales and marketing.

3. Identify the gaps: Determine what is missing in your current strategy that is preventing you from reaching your desired state. This could be a lack of knowledge about the new digital channels, lack of resources, or lack of a clear strategy.

4. Develop an action plan: Based on the gaps identified, develop a plan to incorporate the new digital channels. This could include training for your team, hiring new talent, or investing in new technology.

5. Implement the plan: Put your plan into action and start incorporating the new digital channels into your sales and marketing strategies.

6. Review and adjust: Regularly review your progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure you are moving towards your desired state.

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Gap analysis is a tool used to identify the difference between the current state and the desired future state of a business. It helps in identifying the gaps and creating an action plan to bridge them. Other business assessment tools include SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and Porter's Five Forces. SWOT analysis helps in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. PESTEL analysis is used to analyze the external macro-environmental factors that affect an organization. Porter's Five Forces is a tool used to understand the competition in the business environment. Each tool has its own unique focus and provides different insights, but all contribute to a comprehensive understanding of a business's position.

Gap analysis contributes to achieving business goals by identifying the differences between the current state of a business and its desired future state. It helps in understanding the areas where improvements are needed and provides a clear roadmap for strategic planning. For instance, it can help assess a company's needs around remote work, determine the cost to upskill employees around machine learning, or create an action plan to implement new digital channels into sales and marketing. By bridging these gaps, a business can move closer to its goals.

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Gap Analysis (Part 2)

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