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Möchten Sie mit KI-Innovationen immer einen Schritt voraus sein? Da die Automatisierung immer mehr Arbeitsfunktionen übernimmt, müssen Unternehmen die richtigen Werkzeuge und Fähigkeiten entwickeln, um effizient und wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Diese KI-Strategie Präsentation behandelt Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, Unternehmensanwendungsfälle, KI-integrierte Produktmischungen, KI-gestützte Kundenreisen, intelligentes CRM, End-to-End-Automatisierungsfähigkeiten, Innovationshype-Zyklus und viele weitere Werkzeuge, die heruntergeladen und an verschiedene Geschäftsanforderungen angepasst werden können. Lassen Sie uns überprüfen, wie diese Werkzeuge funktionieren und wie jedes einzelne ambitionierte Ideen in zuverlässige Ausführungen umwandeln kann.

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AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is increasingly being adopted by Portuguese startups. These companies are leveraging AI to improve their products, services, and operations. Some Portuguese startups using AI include DefinedCrowd, which offers a platform for data collection and annotation for AI and ML; Unbabel, which uses AI for translation services; and Feedzai, which uses AI to detect and prevent fraud in financial transactions. These startups are using AI to drive innovation, improve customer experience, and streamline operations. They are part of a growing trend of businesses in Portugal and around the world that are embracing AI to stay competitive in the digital age.

Technology has a significant impact on employee training in several ways:

It allows for more flexible and personalized learning experiences. With online platforms and e-learning tools, employees can learn at their own pace and according to their own learning styles.

Technology also enables the use of interactive and engaging training materials. This can include videos, quizzes, and simulations that can help employees better understand and retain information.

Moreover, technology can provide real-time feedback and analytics. This allows both employees and managers to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Finally, technology can facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing. Through online forums and social media platforms, employees can learn from each other and share their insights and experiences.

In the context of AI, it can be used to automate routine tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more complex and creative tasks. AI can also be used to provide personalized learning recommendations based on an employee's performance and learning preferences.

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Viele Arbeitsfunktionen werden mit genügend Zeit automatisiert. Wenn dies geschieht, ist es wichtig, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter ihre Fähigkeiten weiterhin nutzen können. Nutzen Sie diese Tabelle mit Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, um zu überlegen, wie Sie den Talentpool umgestalten und weiterhin Karrierewachstum bieten können. (Folie 9)

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Auf der linken Seite identifizieren Sie das aktuelle Arbeitskräfteangebot und -nachfrage sowie das Automatisierungspotenzial der Rolle. Behalten Sie alle vorhandenen Fähigkeiten im Auge, die auf zukünftige Rollen übertragen werden können. Auf der rechten Seite listen Sie die möglichen Weiterbildungsoptionen auf. Es wäre auch hilfreich zu zeigen, wie gut jede Option zu den bestehenden Fähigkeiten der Rolle passt.

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While the content does not provide specific examples, many companies have successfully transferred existing skills to future roles in the context of AI strategy. For instance, IBM has been a leader in this area, retraining its workforce to adapt to AI technologies. Similarly, Amazon has invested heavily in upskilling programs to prepare its employees for AI-driven roles. These companies have identified the potential of their current workforce and have implemented training programs to match their existing skills with the demands of AI-centric roles.

Some alternative strategies to upskilling for businesses looking to stay competitive in the era of AI and automation include investing in new technologies that can automate routine tasks, partnering with tech companies to gain access to their expertise and resources, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Businesses can also consider reskilling their existing workforce, hiring new talent with the necessary skills, and leveraging AI and automation to augment human capabilities rather than replace them.

Global companies like Google and Tesla can apply the strategy of identifying current labor supply, demand, and automation potential to their AI development by first identifying the roles within their organizations that have a high potential for automation. They can then keep a tab on the existing skills that can be transferred to future roles. They can also list the possible upskilling options and show how much each option matches the role's existing capabilities. This approach will help them to strategically plan for the future, ensuring they have the right skills in place to leverage AI technologies effectively.

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Diese Aufschlüsselung der Unternehmensanwendungsfälle visualisiert, wie KI-Technologien und -Werkzeuge in Abteilungen und ihre spezifischen Arbeitsfunktionen integriert werden können. In diesem Marimekko-Diagramm gilt: Je größer das Feld, desto größer der KI-Anwendungsfall. Bei KI-Anwendungsfällen in Unternehmen denken Sie an eine Verbindung von Prozessverbesserung und digitaler Transformation. (Folie 5)

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I'm sorry, but the specific information you're asking for isn't available in the content provided. However, I can tell you that companies like Tesla and Nvidia use AI in various ways. Tesla, for example, uses AI for its self-driving technology and energy storage solutions. Nvidia, on the other hand, uses AI for its graphics processing units and deep learning technologies.

Some alternative strategies to using AI for process improvement and digital transformation in corporate settings could include:

1. Implementing Lean Six Sigma methodologies to streamline processes and eliminate waste.
2. Utilizing Business Process Management (BPM) software to automate routine tasks.
3. Adopting cloud computing for better data management and accessibility.
4. Using data analytics to gain insights and make informed decisions.
5. Encouraging a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

These strategies, while not as advanced as AI, can still significantly improve efficiency and competitiveness.

Global companies like Apple and Google can integrate AI tech and tools into their specific job functions for process improvement and digital transformation by identifying the areas where AI can bring the most value. This could be in automating repetitive tasks, improving decision making with data analysis, enhancing customer service with chatbots, or optimizing logistics with predictive modeling. They need to develop the right tools and skill sets to implement these AI solutions effectively. It's also important to keep up with the latest AI innovations and trends to stay competitive.

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Zum Beispiel könnten für eine Risiko- und Compliance-Abteilung Aufgaben wie Szenarioanalyse und Bedrohungserkennung sehr gut für KI-integrierte Lösungen geeignet sein. Listen Sie die Abteilungen und Funktionen Ihrer Organisation in diesem Merimekko-Diagramm auf.

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Als alternative Visualisierung verwendet diese Folie Tabellen, um den Geschäftswert und die Machbarkeit verschiedener Anwendungsfälle aufzulisten. Sie können jeden Bereich auf einer Skala von "keine" bis "sehr hoch" bewerten oder ein numerisches Bewertungssystem für mehr Präzision verwenden. (Folie 5)

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The specific example is not provided in the content, but one of the companies that has successfully used AI-integrated solutions in their risk and compliance department is JPMorgan Chase. They developed a program called COIN, which stands for Contract Intelligence. This program uses AI to review legal documents and extract important data points and clauses. This not only reduced the amount of time spent on document review, but also reduced the errors and risks associated with manual review.

Alternative strategies to using AI-integrated solutions for tasks like scenario analysis and threat detection could include manual analysis, use of traditional software tools, or outsourcing to specialized firms. Manual analysis involves human experts analyzing the data and identifying potential threats. Traditional software tools can automate some parts of the process but may not have the advanced capabilities of AI. Outsourcing to specialized firms allows companies to leverage external expertise and technology.

Global companies like Google or Tesla can integrate AI solutions into their risk and compliance departments by automating tasks such as scenario analysis and threat detection. They can list their organization's departments and their functions and evaluate the business value and feasibility of various AI use cases. They can score each area on a scale from none to very high or use a numerical scoring system for more precision. This approach can help them identify the most suitable AI-integrated solutions for their risk and compliance departments.

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KI-integrierte Produktmischung

Während KI die interne Arbeitsabläufe einer Organisation optimieren kann, kann sie auch Auswirkungen auf die öffentlich zugänglichen Bereiche haben.Wie würden Sie KI in Ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen integrieren, um Kunden zu begeistern? Und wie würden Sie visualisieren, in welchem Maße jedes alte oder neue Produkt von KI angetrieben wird?

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Auf diesem Produkt-Rad neigen die Produkte oder Funktionen, die an den äußeren Rändern aufgeführt sind, dazu, stärker von KI angetrieben zu werden. Stufe 1 ist für Angebote, die derzeit zuverlässig Einnahmen generieren, und Stufe 4 beinhaltet Experimente, die potenziell die großen Milliarden-Dollar-Ideen sein könnten. Nehmen Sie Google als Beispiel. Viele seiner Produkte verfügen bereits über ein gewisses Maß an KI-Kapazität. Zum Beispiel nutzt Google Maps KI für seine Fahrmodus-Funktion. Mit diesem Tool können Sie mit Ihren Teammitgliedern, Stakeholdern oder sogar Kunden über die spannenden Möglichkeiten, die vor uns liegen, kommunizieren. (Folie 23)

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AI-driven features can enhance communication in a business setting in several ways. They can automate routine tasks, freeing up time for more strategic discussions. They can also provide real-time insights and analytics, enabling more informed decision-making. Additionally, AI can facilitate more personalized communication, as it can analyze data to understand individual preferences and behaviors. Finally, AI can help in managing and organizing communication, ensuring that important messages and information are not missed.

Potential billion-dollar ideas that could emerge from the experimentation with AI in products could include AI-driven features that revolutionize existing products or create entirely new ones. For instance, AI could be used to enhance navigation systems, like Google Maps' Driving Mode feature, by predicting traffic patterns and suggesting optimal routes. AI could also be used to create personalized shopping experiences, predictive healthcare systems, or advanced automation tools. These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are virtually limitless.

The use of AI in products like Google Maps' Driving Mode feature can significantly impact a company's revenue generation. AI-driven features can enhance user experience, making the product more appealing and useful to consumers. This can lead to increased usage and customer loyalty, which can translate into higher revenue from advertising and premium features. Additionally, AI can help the company to streamline its operations and make more accurate predictions, which can also contribute to revenue generation.

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KI-gestützte Kundenreise

Realistisch gesehen ist nicht jedes Unternehmen bereit, sich vollständig auf KI-Produkte einzulassen. Aber selbst mit der bestehenden Kundenbasis können Teile der Kundenreise automatisiert werden - denken Sie an Chatbots für Kundenanfragen oder virtuelle Einkaufsassistenten. Mit diesem KI-gestützten Kundenreise-Tool können Sie sehen, wie automatisiert Ihr Service derzeit ist, und planen, wie viel mehr Sie in den kommenden Jahren tun können. Angenommen, Sie betreiben ein E-Commerce-Geschäft. Sie verwenden möglicherweise bereits einen Chatbot für Kundenanfragen.Aber könnten Sie KI nutzen, um Kundenpräferenzen besser vorherzusagen und neue Produktvorschläge zu machen? (Folie 27)

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Some predictions for the future trends in AI-enabled customer service include increased automation of customer journeys, such as the use of chatbots for customer queries and virtual shopping assistants. AI could also be used to better predict customer preferences and offer new product suggestions. As AI technology continues to evolve, it's likely that we'll see even more innovative uses for AI in customer service.

Businesses can use various strategies to automate parts of their customer journey without relying solely on AI. These include using automated email marketing campaigns, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and marketing automation tools. Automated email marketing can help businesses send personalized messages to customers based on their behavior or preferences. CRM systems can automate various customer-related tasks such as tracking customer interactions, managing customer data, and analyzing customer behavior. Marketing automation tools can automate repetitive tasks such as social media posting, ad campaigns, and content creation. These tools can help businesses streamline their operations, improve customer engagement, and increase efficiency.

Global companies like Apple and Google can use AI to enhance their customer journey in several ways. Firstly, they can use AI to automate parts of the customer journey, such as using chatbots for customer queries or virtual shopping assistants. This not only improves efficiency but also provides a more personalized experience for the customers. Secondly, they can use AI to better predict customer preferences and offer new product suggestions. This can be done by analyzing customer data and using machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and trends. Lastly, AI can also be used to improve customer service by providing real-time assistance and solutions to customer problems.

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Intelligente Kundeninteraktion (ICE)

Bleiben wir beim Thema Kundenerfahrung, vergleicht das Tool für Intelligente Kundeninteraktion — oder ICE — zwei Stadien: den Einsatz von KI heute und den Einsatz von KI morgen. In diesem hypothetischen Szenario haben wir ein Unternehmen, das derzeit viele Ressourcen für Call Center aufwendet. Der Plan für die Zukunft ist jedoch, diesen Bereich zu automatisieren und die Ausgaben dafür zu halbieren. (Folie 28)

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Bisher haben wir darüber gesprochen, wie KI sowohl auf Unternehmensebene als auch auf Kundenebene genutzt werden kann. Jetzt bringen wir alles zusammen in einen End-to-End-Automatisierungsplan. (Beachten Sie, dass jeder KI-Anwendungsfall im Laufe der Zeit auf Ihre Geschäftsziele anwendbar sein wird, also fügen Sie hinzu oder nehmen Sie heraus, je nach Ihren Schwerpunktbereichen.) (Folie 29)

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While specific examples are not provided in the content, many businesses have successfully implemented an End-to-End Automation blueprint in their AI strategy. Companies like Amazon and Google have used AI and automation to streamline their operations, improve customer service, and drive innovation. Amazon, for example, uses AI for its recommendation engine, customer service chatbots, and in its warehouses for automation. Google uses AI in its search algorithms, ad targeting, and Google Assistant.

Some alternative strategies to End-to-End Automation in the field of AI could include focusing on specific areas of automation rather than the entire process. This could involve automating only certain tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming, while leaving other tasks to be performed manually. Another strategy could be to implement AI in stages, starting with the most critical areas first. Additionally, businesses could also consider hybrid models, where both AI and human intervention are used.

Global companies like Google and Tesla can incorporate an End-to-End Automation blueprint in their AI strategy by first identifying their business goals and focus areas. They can then leverage AI at both the enterprise and customer levels, integrating it into all aspects of their operations. This could include automating routine tasks, improving decision-making processes, enhancing customer experiences, and driving innovation. It's important to note that not every AI use case will be applicable at all times, so companies should regularly review and adjust their AI strategies based on evolving business needs and technological advancements.

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  • Betrachten Sie auf der linken Seite die Ein- und Ausgänge Ihrer Produktangebote und wie sie die Kunden beeinflussen.
  • Auf der rechten Seite, planen Sie die Wege, wie die internen Prozesse Ihrer Organisation aufgerüstet werden können, um höheren Markterwartungen und -anforderungen gerecht zu werden.
  • Zu guter Letzt, verstehen Sie, dass die Integration von KI immer noch durch eine organische, menschliche Dimension ergänzt werden muss, um ein wirklich hilfreiches und synergetisches System zu sein.
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The specific feedback and reception from the audience regarding the AI tools and strategies presented in this resource is not provided in the content. However, generally, the reception of AI tools and strategies can vary. Some audiences may appreciate the efficiency and competitive edge that AI provides, while others may have concerns about automation taking over human jobs. It's also important to note that the success of AI integration often depends on how well it's complemented by human dimensions.

Cultural differences can significantly impact the reception and implementation of AI strategies in businesses. Different cultures have varying levels of acceptance and understanding of AI technology. In some cultures, AI might be readily accepted and integrated into business processes, while in others, there might be resistance due to fear of job loss or lack of understanding. Additionally, the way AI is implemented can also be influenced by cultural norms and business practices. For instance, in a culture that values human interaction, businesses might opt for AI solutions that augment human capabilities rather than replace them. It's crucial for businesses to understand these cultural nuances when developing and implementing their AI strategies.

The AI strategy presented in this resource emphasizes a balanced approach between technological advancement and human dimension. It suggests that businesses should not only focus on upgrading their internal processes with AI but also consider how their product offerings impact customers. This strategy aligns with industry standards, which also advocate for a balanced approach. However, specific comparisons with industry standards may vary depending on the particular standards referred to.

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Viele aufregende neue Technologien durchlaufen die Reise eines Hype-Zyklus. Hier stellt der KI-Entwicklungshype-Zyklus die allgemeinen Erwartungen an die Technologie im Laufe der Zeit dar, von einem sprunghaften Wachstum bis zu einem schließlich Plateau. Die X-Achse des Diagramms repräsentiert die Zeit. Die Y-Achse repräsentiert die Erwartungen an die KI. Mit anderen Worten, wie begeistert die Menschen davon sind, als eine Kraft für Veränderung. (Folie 21)

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Plotten Sie den aktuellen strategischen Fokus Ihrer Organisation in Bezug auf KI auf diesem Diagramm und wo sie auf der Kurve liegen. Dies wird durch die lila Punkte angezeigt. Zusätzlich können Sie den strategischen Fokus Ihrer Wettbewerber plotten.Streben sie nach dem Gipfel, der all die öffentliche Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit erhält, oder sind sie bereits in die Senke der Desillusionierung eingezogen?

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