The potential impacts of McKenzie Scott's donations on Amazon are not directly stated in the content. However, considering she is a major shareholder, her philanthropic activities could indirectly influence the company's reputation and public perception. Additionally, if she sells her Amazon stocks for her donations, it could potentially impact the stock's value. However, these are speculative impacts and the actual effects would depend on various factors.

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One area you might not expect to find consultants is in charitable giving. However, when billionaire McKenzie Scott gave away $8 billion in 11 months, she worked with a consultant firm called Bridgespan Group. Formed by three former Bain & Co. consultants, Bridgespan advises the Bill and Melinda Gates, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundation on where to donate their billions. Unlike those organizations, McKenzie Scott had some $60 billion in Amazon stock and no organization to spend it. SHe didn't even have a website to solicit requests for donations. With an urgency to give away as much as possible as soon as possible, she needed solid recommendations on where to give and fast.

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McKenzie Scott's donations could have several potential impacts on her own wealth. Firstly, the act of giving away a significant portion of her wealth could reduce her overall net worth. However, this could be offset by the potential growth of her remaining assets. Secondly, her donations could potentially provide her with significant tax benefits, as charitable donations can often be deducted from taxable income. Lastly, her philanthropic activities could enhance her public image, which could indirectly benefit her financially in the long run.

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