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La visualización de datos solía ser prerrogativa de los científicos de datos y los diseñadores profesionales, pero hoy, con los recursos adecuados, cualquiera puede crear presentaciones y hojas de cálculo llenas de gráficos y diagramas que cuentan una historia convincente. Con esto en mente, desarrollamos la plantilla de hoja de cálculo Gráficos Definitivos (Parte 2) que incluye muchos modelos y herramientas de hoja de cálculo para ayudarlo en la visualización y entrega efectiva de datos.

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To create a dynamic chart in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

1. Open your PowerPoint presentation and select the slide where you want to add the chart.

2. Click on the 'Insert' tab in the ribbon, then click on 'Chart'.

3. Choose the type of chart you want to insert, then click 'OK'.

4. An Excel worksheet will open. Enter your data into this worksheet. The chart in PowerPoint will update automatically as you enter your data.

5. Close the Excel worksheet when you're done. The chart in your PowerPoint slide will now reflect the data you entered.

Remember, the chart is dynamic, so if you update the data in the future, the chart will automatically update as well.

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Destacados de las hojas

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Lo grandioso de Excel es que permite nombres de región, país, estados y ciudad en los gráficos de mapa. Use hojas como esta para insertar y manipular datos geográficos.. Para más como este, consulte nuestra plantilla de hoja de cálculo Gráficos Definitivos (Parte 1).

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Esta hoja incluye importantes Gráficos de radar. Los gráficos de radar se pueden usar para comparar dos o más elementos o grupos en varias características y sacar conclusiones para una toma de decisiones más informada y efectiva.

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Hemos creado una nueva colección de hojas de cálculo más avanzadas y visualmente atractivas para ahorrarle horas de tiempo.Incluido en esta colección Gráficos Definitivos (Parte 2) se encuentran variaciones de gráficos de barras, variaciones de embudos de ventas, variaciones de gráficos de pastel, mapa mundial, gráficos de cambio de paso, gráficos de varianza, gráficos de dispersión y gráficos de radar, todos fácilmente editables y convenientemente vinculados a tablas de entrada de datos.

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While the content does not provide specific case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of the Ultimate Charts collection, it is implied that these advanced and visually appealing spreadsheet charts are designed to save hours of time. They include a variety of chart types, all of which are easily editable and linked to data input tables. This suggests that they have been developed with efficiency and user-friendliness in mind, which could be seen as an indication of their effectiveness.

The various chart types in the Ultimate Charts collection enhance business strategy by providing a visual representation of data, which can help in making informed decisions. Bar chart variations can show comparisons among categories. Sales funnel variations can illustrate the journey of a customer from the initial stages to the final purchase. Pie chart variations can display the proportion of parts to a whole. World maps can show geographical data. Step-change charts can highlight significant changes in data over time. Variance charts can show the difference between planned and actual performance. Scatter charts can show the relationship between two variables. And radar charts can compare multiple quantitative variables. All these charts are easily editable and linked to data input tables, saving hours of time.

A company that could benefit from the Ultimate Charts collection is a market research firm. These firms often deal with large amounts of data that need to be visualized in a clear and concise manner. The Ultimate Charts collection, with its variety of chart types like bar charts, sales funnel charts, pie charts, world maps, step-change charts, variance charts, scatter charts, and radar charts, would provide them with a wide range of options to present their data effectively. This could save them hours of time in creating these charts from scratch and allow them to focus more on their core research activities.

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Consejos de expertos

Scott Berinato, editor senior en Harvard Business Review y autor de "Buenos Gráficos: La Guía HBR para Crear Visualizaciones de Datos más Inteligentes y Persuasivas," sabe una o dos cosas sobre el poder de la visualización de datos. En su entrevista para The Marketing Journal, Berinato responde las preguntas importantes sobre la visualización de datos que puedes aplicar en tus procesos diarios.

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Scott Berinato, the author of "Good Charts: The HBR Guide to Making Smarter, More Persuasive Data Visualizations", suggests that the main components of a persuasive data visualization include clarity, simplicity, and a clear narrative. It should be designed in a way that it communicates the data and its significance effectively to the audience. The visualization should be easy to understand and interpret, and it should tell a story that engages the audience and helps them understand the data better.

Spreadsheet charts, like the ones mentioned in the article, are a powerful tool for data visualization. They are versatile, allowing for a variety of chart types such as bar charts, sales funnel variations, pie charts, world maps, and step change charts. They are also easily accessible as they are often included in common office software. However, compared to specialized data visualization tools, they may lack advanced features such as interactive dashboards, real-time data updates, and complex data processing capabilities. The choice between spreadsheet charts and other data visualization tools ultimately depends on the complexity of the data and the specific needs of the user.

A company like Amazon could significantly benefit from using these advanced spreadsheet charts. Amazon deals with a vast amount of data related to sales, customer preferences, inventory, and more. Advanced charts like sales funnel variations, bar chart variations, and world maps could help Amazon visualize this data more effectively, leading to better decision making. For instance, sales funnel variations could help them understand the customer journey better, while world maps could assist in visualizing global sales data.

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¿Por dónde se empieza?

La gramática es importante, pero yo abogo por comenzar estableciendo tu contexto, dice Berinato. Recomienda dedicar algún tiempo a establecer lo que quieres decir, a quién y en qué contexto, primero. "Es sorprendente cuántas veces pasamos directamente a crear gráficos para una presentación sin realmente poner esfuerzo en perfeccionar la idea que queremos que la gente se lleve. Eso significa que terminas con gráficos que visualizan celdas de hojas de cálculo en lugar de ideas," dice.

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The main components of the Ultimate Charts collection include variations of bar charts, sales funnel charts, pie charts, a world map, and step change charts.

Ultimate Charts aligns with digital transformation initiatives in data presentation by providing advanced and visually appealing spreadsheet charts. These charts not only save time but also enhance the quality of data presentation. They allow for a more effective and efficient way of visualizing data, which is a key aspect of digital transformation. The various chart options like bar chart variations, sales funnel variations, pie chart variations, world map, step change charts, etc., provide flexibility and adaptability, catering to different data presentation needs.

Companies can implement Ultimate Charts in their data visualization processes by first understanding the context and the idea they want to convey. Instead of directly jumping into creating charts, they should spend time establishing what they want to say, to whom, and in what setting. This will help them create charts that visualize ideas instead of just spreadsheet cells. They can use the various chart variations provided in the Ultimate Charts collection like bar chart variations, sales funnel variations, pie chart variations, world map, step change charts, etc. to make their data more visually appealing and understandable.

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¿Qué hace un buen gráfico?

Según Berinato, un buen gráfico consta de excelente conciencia contextual y buena ejecución de diseño.La conciencia contextual significa representar ideas de una manera clara y sencilla que sea accesible para la audiencia. Si aciertas con tu contexto, muchas de esas decisiones de diseño se cuidan por sí mismas. Berinato dice: "Cuando ves un buen gráfico, no es bueno porque está bien diseñado, está bien diseñado porque es bueno."

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Berinato's statement 'a good chart is designed well because it's good' means that the effectiveness of a chart is not solely dependent on its aesthetic design, but rather on its ability to clearly and simply represent ideas in a way that's accessible to the audience. A well-designed chart is one that has excellent contextual awareness and good design execution. If the context is right, the design decisions will naturally follow, making the chart 'good'.

Getting the context right in chart creation significantly influences design decisions. Contextual awareness means representing ideas in a clear, simple way that's accessible to the audience. When the context is accurately understood and applied, many design decisions naturally fall into place. This is because the design choices will be guided by the need to effectively communicate the intended message or data to the audience. Therefore, a well-designed chart is not good merely because of its aesthetic appeal, but because it effectively communicates its content in a manner that is easily understood by its audience.

Audience accessibility is crucial in creating a good chart because it ensures that the ideas represented in the chart are clear and simple for the audience to understand. If the context is right and accessible to the audience, many design decisions take care of themselves, leading to a well-designed chart. A well-designed chart is not good because of its design, but its design is good because it effectively communicates the intended message to the audience.

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¿Cómo puede un gráfico influir en la toma de decisiones?

Como ejemplo, Berinato muestra a las audiencias un conjunto de gráficos de barras que fueron presentados por un consultor con el objetivo de ayudar a un cliente a elegir entre cuatro escenarios estratégicos (este es el contexto). Un consultor está frente a los clientes en una sala de juntas tratando de demostrar qué sucederá con los ingresos y márgenes en los cuatro escenarios.

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The Ultimate Charts collection offers several benefits over traditional charting methods. Firstly, it provides a variety of advanced and visually appealing charts, which can enhance the presentation of data and make it more engaging for the audience. Secondly, it can save significant time as these charts are ready to use and require minimal customization. Lastly, the collection includes a wide range of chart types, including bar chart variations, sales funnel variations, pie chart variations, world map, and step change charts, allowing for a more comprehensive and versatile data analysis.

The Ultimate Charts collection can save time for businesses by providing a set of advanced and visually appealing spreadsheet charts. These charts can be used directly, saving hours of time that would otherwise be spent on creating and designing these charts from scratch. The collection includes variations of bar charts, sales funnel charts, pie charts, world maps, and step change charts. These can be used to effectively present and analyze data, aiding in decision-making processes.

The Ultimate Charts have been used in various business contexts. For instance, they can be used in strategic planning meetings where a consultant may present different scenarios to help a client make informed decisions. In such a case, a set of bar charts could be used to demonstrate potential outcomes for revenues and margins under different scenarios. These charts can visually represent complex data in a simple and understandable way, aiding in decision-making processes. They can also be used in sales and marketing to illustrate sales funnels, or in financial reporting to show changes in key metrics over time.

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Sin embargo, hay un gran problema: las etiquetas de los gráficos de barras son demasiado pequeñas para leer en una pantalla; las barras son multicolores, y encima de eso, los ejes Y no coinciden en los gráficos de barras de ingresos y márgenes. Gráficos como este no se pueden utilizar para tomar decisiones importantes. "Los revisamos, y la versión revisada es mucho más utilizable al usar etiquetas claras y un tipo de gráfico que facilita mucho la comparación de ingresos con márgenes y de escenario a escenario. Es como la noche y el día," dice Berinato.

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¿Es la comunicación visual realmente una habilidad imprescindible para todos los gerentes?

Viendo cómo el uso de visuales ayudó, comencé a recopilar historias de otros que habían visto despegar sus carreras cuando invirtieron en aprender habilidades de visualización de datos, dice Berinato. Estas personas reconocieron que en las operaciones diarias de sus empresas, la visualización se convierte en la única forma de dar sentido a todos los datos. Ser capaz de hacer buenos gráficos les ayuda a avanzar en su carrera, así como a crear una ventaja competitiva para las empresas. Berinato dice: "También creo que en el mundo ruidoso y abarrotado de móviles, sociales y comunicación realmente constante, la viz efectiva se ha convertido en una forma de cortar el ruido y hacer una impresión."

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