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Los sobrecostos son peligrosos ya que demandan fondos asignados para otros propósitos y necesidades. Para evitarlos, los gerentes deben tener una estrategia de gestión de costos de primera categoría en todo momento. La buena noticia es que nuestra presentación de Gestión de Costos agement le permite introducir su estrategia para una gestión efectiva de costos con facilidad y, por lo tanto, proporcionar a sus empresas la libertad de tomar las decisiones correctas, remediar la brecha entre la estrategia y la ejecución y fomentar el crecimiento.

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Some external factors that can affect the effectiveness of a cost management strategy include market fluctuations, changes in labor costs, changes in material costs, regulatory changes, economic conditions, and competitive actions.

A cost management strategy can contribute to the growth of a business by providing it with the freedom to make the right choices, remedy the shortcomings between strategy and execution, and fuel growth. It helps avoid cost overruns that can divert funds allocated for other purposes and needs. With a top-notch cost management strategy, a business can effectively manage its costs, which can lead to improved profitability and growth.

Some potential obstacles and challenges in implementing a cost management strategy include resistance to change, lack of understanding or knowledge about cost management, inadequate resources, and poor communication. It can also be challenging to align the cost management strategy with the overall business strategy and to ensure that it is effectively executed.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

Use esta diapositiva para enumerar todos los determinantes de costos para el proyecto. Aunque los determinantes varían de una organización a otra, dependen de dos factores principales: las cantidades de recursos y las combinaciones y técnicas de producción.

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Los altos costos probablemente impidan que su equipo alcance los objetivos, por lo tanto, identificar las causas obvias y ocultas de los costos ineficientes es crucial. Use esta diapositiva para discutir las causas de los altos costos e introducir soluciones de eliminación.

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Con esta diapositiva, introduzca el potencial de reducción de costos y proponga estrategias de ahorro. Estos pueden incluir: trueque con otras empresas, monetización de métodos de marketing, patrocinio de sus eventos e introducción de la semana laboral de cuatro días.

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A four-day work week can contribute to cost savings in several ways. Firstly, it can reduce overhead costs such as utilities and maintenance for the extra day that the office is closed. Secondly, it can increase employee productivity and reduce absenteeism, as employees are likely to be more rested and satisfied with a better work-life balance. Lastly, it can reduce costs related to employee turnover, as a four-day work week can be an attractive benefit for potential employees.

Some potential strategies for cost reduction in a business could include bartering with other businesses, monetizing marketing methods, sponsoring your own events, and introducing a four-day work week. It's also important to identify and eliminate any obvious and hidden causes for inefficient costs.

Some techniques of production that can influence cost include the choice of technology, the scale of production, and the efficiency of the production process. The choice of technology can significantly impact the cost as different technologies have different levels of efficiency and require different amounts of resources. The scale of production can also influence cost as larger scales often allow for economies of scale, which can reduce the cost per unit. Lastly, the efficiency of the production process can influence cost as more efficient processes can reduce waste and improve productivity, thereby reducing costs.

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La gestión de costos es el proceso de estimar, asignar y controlar los costos en un proyecto, lo que permite a una organización prever los gastos futuros y evitar exceder los presupuestos asignados.

El elemento más importante en la gestión de costos, dice David Axson, director gerente de Accenture Strategy, CFO & Enterprise Value "es vivir y respirar un enfoque implacable en el cliente. Con demasiada frecuencia, las reducciones de costos conducen a reducciones de servicio, abriendo la puerta a disruptores que pueden ofrecer un gran servicio al mismo o menor costo. Las herramientas digitales permiten a las organizaciones ofrecer un mejor servicio a un costo menor, ya no es una compensación de uno por el otro. Piense en el check-in automático en su habitación de hotel, la elección de su habitación y el acceso a su llave a través de la aplicación en su teléfono. Para el hotel, esto reduce los costos (sin fila de check-in, sin llaves de plástico, etc.) mientras que para el huésped ofrece un servicio más rápido y personalizado."

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Cost management in the hospitality industry can be applied in various ways. One practical application is in the use of digital tools to enhance customer service while reducing costs. For instance, allowing guests to check into their hotel rooms, choose their rooms, and access their keys through a mobile app. This not only improves the guest's experience by providing faster, more personalized service, but also reduces costs for the hotel by eliminating the need for check-in lines and physical keys. Other applications can include efficient energy management, waste reduction, and strategic sourcing of supplies to reduce costs.

A company that could benefit from implementing cost management is a hotel chain. By leveraging digital tools, they can deliver better service at lower costs. For instance, allowing guests to automatically check into their hotel room, choose their room, and access their key through an app on their phone. This lowers costs for the hotel (no check-in line, no plastic keys, etc.) while delivering faster, more personalized service for the guest.

Companies can implement cost management in their operations in several ways. Firstly, they can adopt digital tools to automate processes and reduce manual labor, which can lead to significant cost savings. For example, a hotel can use an app for check-ins, room selection, and key access, reducing the need for physical keys and front desk staff. Secondly, companies can focus on customer service to prevent cost reductions from leading to service reductions. By maintaining a high level of service, companies can prevent competitors from disrupting their market. Lastly, companies can continuously review their operations to identify areas where costs can be reduced without compromising on quality or service.

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Hay cuatro pasos principales en el proceso:

  1. Planificación de recursos: el proceso de descubrir los requisitos de recursos futuros para una organización o un proyecto en particular. Esto requiere la evaluación y planificación del uso de la mano de obra, las finanzas y otros recursos.
  2. Estimación de costos: el proceso utilizado para cuantificar, costear y valorar los recursos necesarios para una organización o un proyecto en particular. Requiere el uso de herramientas que transformen los datos técnicos y programáticos en datos financieros y de recursos.
  3. Presupuesto de costos: el proceso utilizado para evaluar el costo estimado de los recursos en cuentas de costos y medir el rendimiento de costos contra ellos.
  4. Control de costos: el proceso utilizado para medir las variaciones desde la línea base de costos y establecer una acción correctiva efectiva para lograr los costos mínimos.
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    Estudio de caso

    Grupo de Aviones Comerciales Boeing Wichita Division

    El estudio de caso publicado por el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts examinó los efectos de emplear Prácticas de Costeo y Gestión Basadas en Actividades (ABCM) - un enfoque donde los modelos de costos basados en actividades proporcionan información económica para la toma de decisiones gerenciales, dentro de la Industria Aeroespacial.

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    Según el MIT, BCAG es el mayor fabricante de aviones comerciales del mundo, que comprende alrededor del 60% de los ingresos totales de Boeing. El enfoque principal de BCAG Wichita es el desarrollo de un sistema de diseño y producción eficiente respaldado por una estrategia de gestión de costos efectiva para capturar y mantener la reputación de fabricación aeroespacial de clase mundial.

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    I'm sorry, but I don't have a specific case study on BCAG Wichita's cost management strategy. However, it's known that BCAG Wichita focuses on developing a lean, efficient design and production system supported by an effective cost management strategy. This approach has helped them maintain a world-class aerospace manufacturing reputation. For more specific details, I would recommend reaching out to BCAG Wichita directly or looking for case studies in aerospace industry publications.

    The cost management strategy of BCAG Wichita aligns with the overall profitability goals of Boeing by focusing on the development of a lean, efficient design and production system. This approach helps to minimize costs and maximize efficiency, thereby contributing to Boeing's profitability. Additionally, BCAG Wichita's effective cost management strategy supports its aim to capture and maintain a world-class aerospace manufacturing reputation, which can lead to increased market share and further enhance Boeing's profitability.

    BCAG Wichita might face several challenges in implementing an effective cost management strategy. Firstly, the complexity of aerospace manufacturing could lead to unforeseen costs, making it difficult to maintain a lean and efficient design and production system. Secondly, the global nature of the aerospace industry could introduce currency exchange risks and regulatory compliance costs. Thirdly, the need for continuous innovation and technology upgrades could result in high research and development costs. Lastly, the high dependency on suppliers for raw materials could lead to supply chain disruptions and increased costs.

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    Los investigadores del MIT escriben: "Una de las características más atractivas y contraintuitivas del costeo basado en actividades surge de las fuentes de valor agregado previamente inexploradas que permite a una empresa descubrir. A medida que el énfasis en los costos pasa de la mano de obra a los gastos generales, las empresas están cambiando sus estrategias comerciales para capturar estas ganancias. Aunque los costos generales ahora eclipsan los costos laborales como porcentaje del gasto total, las empresas no han cambiado los métodos que utilizan para cuantificar los costos."

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    Companies can implement activity-based costing (ABC) in their operations to maximize profitability by first identifying all the activities involved in their production process. Each activity is then assigned a cost based on the resources it consumes. This allows companies to accurately determine the cost of each product or service, leading to more informed pricing and budgeting decisions. ABC also helps in identifying inefficient processes and areas where costs can be reduced. It's important to note that implementing ABC requires a thorough understanding of the company's operations and may require a cultural shift within the organization.

    Common challenges in applying activity-based costing include: difficulty in identifying all activities and assigning costs to them, resistance from employees due to change in traditional costing methods, and the time and resources required to implement the system. These challenges can be overcome by: providing adequate training to employees, using software to automate the process, and ensuring top management support for the change.

    Activity-based costing (ABC) aligns with digital transformation initiatives in cost management by providing a more accurate understanding of overhead costs. Digital transformation initiatives often involve the implementation of advanced technologies that can automate the process of cost allocation based on activities, making ABC more efficient and precise. This can lead to better decision-making, improved profitability, and a competitive advantage. Furthermore, digital transformation can enable real-time tracking and analysis of costs, enhancing the effectiveness of ABC.

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    Y continúan: "Los defensores de ABCM creen que a menos que haya un cambio a una nueva forma de identificar la producción monetaria, las empresas nunca conocerán los verdaderos costos de producción. En la actualidad, la mayoría de las empresas que han adoptado ABCM operan en el sector comercial. Tradicionalmente, estas empresas se han percibido como más expuestas a la variabilidad económica, y por lo tanto deben ser capaces de adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes del mercado para mantener la competitividad.5 Aunque la industria aeroespacial ha sido más lenta en adoptar métodos de costeo basados en actividades, los ciclos de inestabilidad en la industria pueden llevar a un interés creciente en ABCM. Los éxitos de los proyectos piloto en BCAG Wichita pueden ilustrar los beneficios de investigar diferentes estrategias de gestión de costos. BCAG Wichita espera trasladar los principios de ABCM a otras áreas del proceso de fabricación, y abarcar una porción cada vez mayor de las operaciones de la instalación."

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