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Come decision maker, devi reagire rapidamente e con sicurezza in qualsiasi tipo di situazione, il che significa che devi sempre avere un piano, o meglio, diversi. Questa presentazione Pianificazione degli Scenari include slide personalizzabili per aiutarti a ottenere informazioni su programmi, budget e previsioni, fattori chiave di crescita e potenziali minacce di eventi futuri. Con questa presentazione, puoi calcolare e documentare ogni azione per ottenere un vantaggio competitivo.

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Presentations like acting out scenarios in the medical field can be a powerful tool for education and training. They can help medical students, doctors, and other healthcare professionals understand and prepare for real-life situations they may encounter in their work.

These presentations can include role-playing exercises, where participants act out different roles in a medical scenario. They can also use multimedia, such as videos or interactive software, to simulate medical situations.

The key to a successful presentation is to make the scenarios as realistic as possible, and to provide clear, actionable feedback to the participants afterwards. This can help them improve their skills and be better prepared for the challenges they will face in the medical field.

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Usa questa slide per creare una mappa di pianificazione degli scenari. Questa mappa può consistere di diverse parti con lo scopo di illustrare ed equilibrare diverse dimensioni strategiche in modo realistico.

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Utilizza la Matrice di Pianificazione degli Scenari per sviluppare una strategia di risposta agile. Includi quanti più dettagli possibili per valutare la probabilità di successo o fallimento di varie alternative strategiche.

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L'idea dietro al "modello ad imbuto" è che più ci allontaniamo dal punto di vista odierno verso il futuro, maggiore è il numero di sviluppi probabili. Usa questa slide per fare previsioni per molti possibili scenari futuri piuttosto che per uno solo.

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Scenario planning aids in making predictions for possible future scenarios by allowing organizations to explore and prepare for several possible future developments. It involves creating a map or matrix that balances different strategic dimensions, including potential threats and growth factors. This process includes detailing as many aspects as possible to evaluate the likelihood of success or failure of various strategic alternatives. The idea behind this approach is that the farther we look into the future, the higher the number of probable developments. Therefore, scenario planning helps in preparing for many possible future scenarios rather than just one.

Scenario planning contributes to the success or failure of various strategic alternatives by allowing organizations to evaluate the likelihood of different outcomes. It involves creating a scenario planning map and a scenario planning matrix to balance different strategic dimensions and develop an agile response strategy. The idea behind this approach is to predict many possible future scenarios rather than just one, which helps in making informed decisions and mitigating risks.

The concept behind the funnel model in scenario planning is that the farther we look from today's viewpoint into the future, the higher is the number of probable developments. This model is used to make predictions for many possible future scenarios rather than just one. It helps in developing an agile response strategy by evaluating the likelihood of the success or failure of various strategic alternatives.

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Nel suo libro "Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future," Woody Wade ha detto: "Il problema con il futuro è che è diverso.Se non sei in grado di pensare in modo diverso, il futuro arriverà sempre come una sorpresa."

Per allenarti a pensare in modo diverso sul futuro, puoi utilizzare la pianificazione degli scenari. La pianificazione degli scenari è uno strumento che considera storie ipotetiche al fine di cambiare il pensiero, le azioni e i processi dei team in modo che siano meglio equipaggiati per il domani. La pianificazione degli scenari aiuta i leader a definire scenari di possibili risultati e rischi, esaminando le risposte e gestendo in anticipo le possibilità positive e negative.

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The main components of scenario planning include defining scenarios of potential outcomes and risks, examining responses, and managing in advance for positive and negative possibilities. These components contribute to better decision making by preparing teams for various potential outcomes, allowing them to react confidently and effectively in any situation. This proactive approach helps in mitigating risks, capitalizing on opportunities, and ensuring the continuity of operations.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of scenario planning. For instance, Shell, a global group of energy and petrochemical companies, has been using scenario planning since the 1970s to anticipate and respond to dramatic changes in the energy sector. Their scenario planning helped them navigate through the oil crisis in the 1970s and 1980s. Another example is the use of scenario planning in the military sector, where it is used to prepare for a variety of potential situations, including conflict, peacekeeping, and humanitarian aid. These case studies demonstrate how scenario planning can help organizations anticipate future changes and respond effectively.

Scenario planning differs from other business forecasting tools in that it doesn't just predict a single outcome based on historical data or trends. Instead, it considers multiple possible future scenarios, including those that are highly uncertain or unpredictable. This allows businesses to prepare for a wider range of potential outcomes and risks, and to develop strategies that are flexible and adaptable. It encourages thinking beyond the usual assumptions and expectations, and can help businesses to be more resilient and agile in the face of change.

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Quando le aziende visualizzano il quadro più ampio, prendendo in considerazione potenziali rischi e opportunità, diventano più proattive piuttosto che reattive agli eventi futuri. Infatti, un sondaggio condotto su 77 grandi aziende da René Rohrbeck dell'Università di Aarhus e Jan Oliver Schwarz della EBS Business School della Germania, ha scoperto che gli sforzi formali di "previsione strategica" aggiungono grande valore attraverso una capacità migliorata di percepire il cambiamento; una capacità migliorata di interpretare e rispondere al cambiamento; influenza su altri attori e una capacità migliorata di apprendimento organizzativo.

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Scenario planning plays a crucial role in enhancing a company's capacity for organizational learning. It allows businesses to visualize the bigger picture, taking into consideration potential risks and opportunities, thereby becoming more proactive rather than reactive to future events. This proactive approach fosters an enhanced capacity to perceive change, interpret and respond to change, influence other actors, and ultimately, boosts organizational learning. It helps in building a learning organization that is adept at navigating the uncertainties of the business environment.

Scenario planning influences other actors within a company by enhancing their capacity to perceive and respond to change. It allows them to visualize the bigger picture, considering potential risks and opportunities, making them more proactive rather than reactive to future events. It also fosters organizational learning and influences decision-making processes.

Scenario planning can be effectively implemented in a business by following these steps:

1. Identify key factors: Start by identifying the key factors that affect your business environment. These could be economic, political, technological, or social factors.

2. Develop scenarios: Based on these key factors, develop different scenarios that could potentially occur. Each scenario should represent a different way the future could unfold.

3. Analyze scenarios: Analyze each scenario to understand its potential impact on your business. This could involve financial modeling, risk analysis, or other types of analysis.

4. Develop strategies: Based on your analysis, develop strategies that would help your business succeed in each scenario. These strategies should be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances.

5. Monitor and update: Regularly monitor the business environment and update your scenarios and strategies as needed. This will help you stay prepared for whatever the future brings.

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Ecco alcune domande chiave da porsi durante la pianificazione del tuo scenario:

  • Qual è il problema che stiamo valutando?
  • Quanto lontano nel futuro stiamo guardando?
  • Quali principali fattori esterni potrebbero influenzare i nostri scenari probabili?
  • Quali principali fattori interni potrebbero influenzare i nostri scenari probabili
  • Quali sono le possibili minacce per gli scenari?
  • Abbiamo il talento e le competenze, i dati, la tecnologia e le attrezzature e altre risorse per costruire e mantenere i nostri piani di scenario?
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Scenario Planning aligns with digital transformation initiatives by providing a structured method for visualizing possible future situations, thus enabling organizations to be better prepared and more resilient. It allows organizations to explore and prepare for different digital transformation paths, considering various factors such as technology trends, market changes, and internal capabilities. This can help in making informed decisions, managing risks, and leveraging opportunities associated with digital transformation.

Scenario planning can be applied in various industries for strategic planning and risk management. It helps organizations to anticipate possible future events and prepare for them. For instance, in the healthcare industry, scenario planning can be used to prepare for potential outbreaks or changes in healthcare policies. In the energy sector, it can help in planning for changes in energy prices or regulations. In the technology industry, scenario planning can be used to anticipate technological advancements and market trends.

Scenario Planning enhances business strategy by allowing businesses to anticipate and prepare for potential future situations. It helps in identifying key growth factors and potential threats, which can be crucial for strategic planning. Scenario Planning also encourages businesses to evaluate their internal and external factors that could impact their future scenarios. This includes assessing the availability of resources like talent, skills, data, technology, and equipment. By doing so, businesses can ensure they are equipped to handle different scenarios, thereby enhancing their business strategy.

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Uno studio recente di una società di pianificazione strategica, On Strategy, ha mostrato che:

  • Il 95% di una forza lavoro tipica non capisce la strategia della propria organizzazione
  • Il 90% delle organizzazioni non riesce a eseguire con successo le proprie strategie
  • L'86% dei team esecutivi dedica meno di un'ora al mese alla discussione sulla strategia
  • Il 60% delle organizzazioni non collega la strategia alla pianificazione del budget
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Studi di caso

Royal Dutch Shell

Le cose sono davvero migliorate per una compagnia petrolifera e di gas anglo-olandese, la Royal Dutch Shell, comunemente nota come Shell, quando nel 1965, il capo dell'economia e della pianificazione per la divisione di esplorazione e produzione di Shell, Jimmy Davidson, e il veterano dell'azienda, Ted Newland, hanno lanciatod l'iniziativa "Studi a Lungo Termine".

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To direct and structure a process for a digital technology team to elevate their strategic scenario planning, you would first need to establish a clear vision and objectives. This involves understanding the current state of the team, the desired future state, and the gaps that need to be addressed.

Next, you would need to identify key trends and uncertainties that could impact the team's ability to achieve its objectives. This could involve conducting a PESTEL analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal) to identify external factors that could impact the team.

Once you have identified these trends and uncertainties, you can then develop different scenarios that represent possible future states. These scenarios should be diverse and challenging, and should push the team to think outside of their comfort zone.

The team would then need to develop strategies for each scenario. This involves identifying the actions that would need to be taken in each scenario to achieve the team's objectives.

Finally, the team would need to monitor the environment and adjust their strategies as necessary. This involves regularly reviewing the scenarios and strategies, and making adjustments as the environment changes.

Remember, the goal of strategic scenario planning is not to predict the future, but to prepare for it. It's about understanding the possibilities, planning for them, and being ready to adapt when the time comes.

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Newland ricorda di essere stato messo in un cubo al 18° piano della sede londinese dell'azienda e chiesto di pensare al futuro. "Senza reali indicazioni su ciò che mi era richiesto," ha raccontato alla "Harvard Business Review." Questo strano incarico, tuttavia, ha dato vita al continuo esperimento di implementare la pianificazione degli scenari per prevedere rischi e opportunità.

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Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of Scenario Planning. One notable example is the case of Royal Dutch Shell. In the 1970s, Shell used scenario planning to anticipate and prepare for the oil crisis, which helped them to navigate the situation more effectively than their competitors. Another example is the case of Newland, mentioned in the content, who was asked to think about the future and implement scenario planning to predict risks and opportunities. These case studies highlight how Scenario Planning can help organizations to anticipate future scenarios and make strategic decisions accordingly.

Some common challenges in implementing Scenario Planning include lack of clarity in objectives, difficulty in identifying key factors and uncertainties, and resistance to change within the organization. These can be addressed by clearly defining the objectives of the scenario planning process, using a systematic approach to identify key factors and uncertainties, and fostering a culture of openness and flexibility within the organization.

Almost any company can significantly benefit from Scenario Planning, but let's take the example of a tech startup. Tech startups often operate in a rapidly changing environment with high levels of uncertainty. Scenario Planning can help them anticipate potential changes in the market, such as new technologies, competitor actions, or regulatory changes, and prepare strategies to respond effectively.

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Oggi, Shell ha un intero team dedicato agli Scenari con competenze in una vasta gamma di campi, tra cui economia, politica, analisi energetica, politica climatica, cambiamento socio-culturale e intelligence competitiva. "Il lavoro del team aiuta a esplorare possibili versioni del futuro identificando driver, incertezze, abilitatori e vincoli, e scoprendo potenziali problemi e le loro implicazioni," secondo il sito web dell'azienda.

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Il team Scenari di Shell rilascia periodicamente scenari accessibili al pubblico. Così, ad esempio, nel 2013, Shell ha pubblicato nuovi scenari che esploravano due possibili modi in cui il 21° secolo poteva svolgersi, con implicazioni drasticamente diverse per la società e il sistema energetico mondiale. "Uno scenario vede il gas naturale a combustione più pulita diventare la fonte energetica più importante a livello globale entro gli anni '2030 e un'azione precoce per limitare le emissioni di anidride carbonica. L'altro vede il solare diventare la principale fonte entro circa il 2070, ma con un'azione più lenta per affrontare la minaccia del cambiamento climatico," afferma il sito web di Shell.

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